Rid Investment LLC FZ. 01/01/2022


Copyright © 2022-2024 Rid Investment LLC FZ. All rights reserved.

Investment Risk

All investments involve inherent risks, including the possibility of incurring significant losses, up to the total loss of the invested capital. Historical performance does not in any way guarantee future results. Investments can be influenced by a multitude of factors, including but not limited to, fluctuations in financial markets, changes in interest rates, currency fluctuations, regulatory and tax changes, as well as unforeseen events of an economic, political, or geopolitical nature. These factors may negatively affect the value of the investment, compromising the investor's ability to achieve their financial goals. Investors are therefore advised to carefully consider their risk profile, their financial ability to withstand potential losses, and to assess the suitability of each investment in relation to their objectives. It is essential that each decision is made with full awareness, based on a complete understanding of the associated risks, and with the knowledge that there are no guarantees of returns. The value of investments may decrease or increase, and any expected gains may not materialize. Additionally, it is recommended to consult qualified professionals for a more in-depth and personalized assessment of the specific risks related to individual investment choices.

No Guarantee of Profit

As Rid Investment, we believe it is essential to provide maximum transparency to our clients and partners. In this regard, we wish to emphasize that no investment proposed by Rid Investment can be considered guaranteed. While our analyses are based on detailed data and thorough market evaluations, there is no certainty regarding future results. It is important to understand that past performance, regardless of how positive or consistent it may have been, is not a reliable indicator of future performance and cannot in any way serve as a guarantee of profit. Financial markets are characterized by a high degree of volatility and can be influenced by economic, geopolitical, regulatory, or unforeseen events that can quickly alter the course of investments. Such variables make any prediction uncertain, even for investments based on the best forecasts and strategies. Consequently, it is always possible for investments to incur losses, including significant ones, and for expected returns not to materialize. As a company, our objective is to equip our clients with the information and tools necessary to make informed and well-considered decisions, guiding them through a thorough understanding of the risks associated with investments. However, it is of paramount importance for investors to recognize that there are no guaranteed returns on any type of investment, and that future profits cannot be assured under any circumstances. Past performance, no matter how positive, should be regarded as purely indicative and not as a promise of gain.

Investor Responsibility

At Rid Investment, we believe it is crucial to remind our clients that the ultimate responsibility for making any investment decision lies with the investor. Each investor is required to fully understand the risks associated with the proposed investments, as outlined by the applicable financial intermediation and investor protection regulations, including Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 on PRIIPs (Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products) and Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments (MiFID II). These regulations mandate that every investor must receive all the necessary information to comprehend the risks tied to financial products, enabling them to make informed and conscious decisions. However, it remains the individual investor's responsibility to carefully review the provided data and information, assess their own risk tolerance, and act in accordance with their financial profile, objectives, and economic capacities. Rid Investment is committed to offering clear, detailed, and transparent information regarding the risks associated with financial instruments and the proposed investments. Nevertheless, in compliance with applicable legislation, we cannot be held liable for investment decisions made without due consideration of the outlined risks. The assessment of the information and the acceptance of the associated risks are the primary obligations of the investor. Finally, we encourage all investors to consult qualified professionals and carefully review all legal, economic, and financial aspects before undertaking any investment initiative, as required by European and national regulatory frameworks. By doing so, every decision will be based on an informed evaluation, aimed at safeguarding the investor and ensuring adequate protection of their interests.

Volatile Nature of Markets

At Rid Investment, we believe it is essential to emphasize the inherently volatile nature of financial markets. Investments are subject to significant fluctuations, which can occur in response to a wide range of factors, including global economic conditions, political decisions, changes in interest rates, geopolitical events, and regulatory changes. This volatility is a natural characteristic of markets and can lead to sharp and unpredictable price movements at any time, affecting both asset values and return opportunities. Financial markets can react suddenly to unforeseen events, such as economic crises, political instability, or natural disasters, which can cause unexpected swings in the prices of financial instruments. As a result, the value of investments can rise or fall significantly over a relatively short period, making it difficult to accurately predict the future performance of any financial product. This unpredictability makes it necessary for investors to be aware of the associated risks and to consider volatility as a crucial factor in managing their portfolios. Despite the use of advanced strategies and careful planning, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of negative market fluctuations. Even seemingly stable financial products can experience temporary or long-term losses due to volatility. Rid Investment is committed to informing its clients about the risks associated with market volatility and to providing tools for managing these risks appropriately. However, it is essential for investors to understand that the very nature of markets involves uncertainty, and it is impossible to guarantee consistent or stable returns. Volatility must be considered a key element in investment decisions, with the understanding that it can impact final outcomes both positively and negatively. In conclusion, volatility is a factor that every investor must take into account when evaluating their investment approach, recognizing that risk management is a critical component in successfully navigating financial markets.

Disclosure of Information

At Rid Investment, we prioritize providing accurate and transparent information to our clients and partners. However, it is essential to clarify that all information disseminated through our channels, whether market analyses, economic forecasts, or other communications related to investments, is provided solely for informational purposes and should in no way be interpreted as professional financial advice, legal counsel, or personalized recommendations. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (MiFIR) and Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II), as well as Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 on PRIIPs, Rid Investment does not provide individualized financial advice. The information communicated, although based on updated data and reliable sources, cannot guarantee or predict the future performance of markets or financial instruments. Any investment decision made on the basis of such information must be considered independent and at the full discretion of the investor, who is required to make their own assessment of the associated risks, taking into account their financial situation, investment objectives, and risk tolerance. It is the investor's responsibility to consult qualified and authorized professionals, as required by current legislation, to receive appropriate financial advice tailored to their specific needs. In accordance with Articles 24 and 25 of the MiFID II Directive, Rid Investment assumes no responsibility for investment decisions made solely on the basis of the information provided, and disclaims all liability for any losses or damages arising from the improper use of such information. Any information disclosed by Rid Investment should not be construed as a guarantee of future results or profits, and reliance on such data must be made with full awareness of the inherent limits and risks. Rid Investment is committed to ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of the information it disseminates but provides no guarantee regarding its completeness or continuous updating, given the rapid changes in financial markets and applicable regulations. In conclusion, the information provided by Rid Investment does not in any way constitute professional financial advice under applicable regulations, and each investor is encouraged to consult licensed financial advisors and conduct their own checks before making any investment decisions.

Regulatory Compliance

Rid Investment is exclusively engaged in analyzing financial and market data, providing Vantage with the developed analyses and strategies. Our activity is strictly limited to strategic consulting and data-driven solutions, with no involvement in the direct management of investor accounts or funds. Vantage, as an authorized financial intermediary, utilizes our analyses to propose them to its clients, referred to as "Copiers," assuming full operational and contractual responsibility. In this context, Vantage is responsible for complying with applicable financial regulations, managing all investment operations, including deposits, withdrawals, and the execution of trading strategies. While Rid Investment provides detailed analyses and carefully developed strategies, we do not assume responsibility for investment decisions or the management of "Copiers'" funds. Our role is purely advisory and aimed at supporting Vantage in offering its clients strategies based on accurate data and analyses. To ensure full transparency and regulatory compliance, Rid Investment adheres to best practices in data analysis. However, all financial and contractual responsibility remains entirely between Vantage and its "Copiers," as stipulated by applicable laws.

Website Usage

In accordance with applicable regulations, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and local laws on personal data protection and e-commerce, Rid Investment specifies that the information and content published on our website are intended exclusively for users accessing from jurisdictions where the use of such information is legal and compliant with local applicable regulations. Access to and use of the Rid Investment website are subject to geographical and jurisdictional limitations. The content and information provided on our website are not intended for, nor can they be used by, individuals residing in jurisdictions where the distribution of such content would be in violation of local laws or regulations. In particular, Rid Investment does not offer any services or advice in jurisdictions where the offering of such services may violate local financial market regulations or other applicable laws. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that access to and use of the website comply with the laws of their country of residence or any other jurisdiction in which they are located at the time of access. Rid Investment disclaims all liability for the improper use of the information provided on the website in jurisdictions where such use is prohibited or contrary to local regulations. Any attempt to access or use the website's content from such jurisdictions will be considered a violation of the terms of use and will be subject to relevant legal actions, in compliance with applicable local regulations. Additionally, all users accessing the Rid Investment website must accept and adhere to the site's terms and conditions of use, which include, among other things, compliance with applicable regulations on personal data protection and the proper management of financial information. The information provided on the website should not be interpreted as an offer or solicitation to purchase financial instruments or services in any jurisdiction where such offers are not authorized. Finally, to ensure compliance with GDPR and other data protection regulations, Rid Investment takes appropriate measures to inform users from jurisdictions where access to the website may be restricted or prohibited, thereby respecting transparency and personal data protection requirements.

Disclaimer of Legal Liability

Rid Investment declares that all information provided through the website, documents, analyses, or communications is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as financial, legal advice, or a recommendation to take specific investment decisions. Any investment decisions or actions taken by users based on the information provided are entirely at their own risk and responsibility. Rid Investment assumes no responsibility for any losses, damages, or consequences resulting from the direct or indirect use of the information provided. In accordance with applicable regulations, including Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (MiFIR) and Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II), the content of the analyses, forecasts, and information presented does not constitute an offer or invitation to buy, sell, or hold financial instruments or engage in any other transactions. Each user is required to independently assess the relevance and reliability of the information received and, if necessary, consult a qualified financial or legal advisor to obtain a professional and independent evaluation of their investment needs. Rid Investment shall not be held responsible for any choices or decisions made by clients or "Copiers" based on the information provided, nor for any negative financial consequences that may arise from such decisions. Rid Investment also disclaims any responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions in the information provided, including any changes in market conditions, regulations, or other external factors that may affect the accuracy or timeliness of the shared data. In no event shall Rid Investment be liable for indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising from the use of the information available.

Modifications and Updates

Rid Investment reserves the right to modify, update, or supplement this disclaimer at any time and without prior notice. Such modifications may reflect regulatory changes, updates to company policies, or other operational needs. Users and investors are encouraged to periodically review the disclaimer to ensure they are always up-to-date with the applicable terms and conditions. Continued use of Rid Investment's website or services following such changes will be deemed as implicit acceptance of the modifications made. Rid Investment is not obligated to individually notify users of these updates. Therefore, it is the investor's responsibility to regularly review the content of the disclaimer to stay informed of any changes.

Copy Trading’s Risk

Copy trading, like any other form of investment, carries significant risks that must be carefully evaluated by each investor. Although copy trading allows investors to replicate the trades of an experienced trader, there is no guarantee that this activity will result in profits or prevent losses. It is essential to understand that a trader's past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results, and replicating trades carries the same risks as those executed directly. In accordance with applicable regulations, including Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (MiFIR) and Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II), investors must be aware that copy trading does not eliminate the risk of loss, nor does it represent a risk-free strategy. Every trade is subject to market fluctuations and can result in losses that exceed initial forecasts. Investors must be aware that, by following the trades of a trader, it is possible to lose part or all of the invested capital. Rid Investment, as a strategy provider, assumes no responsibility for copy trading decisions made by investors through the Vantage platform. The risk associated with trade replication rests solely with the investor. We urge each investor to carefully assess their own risk tolerance and consider consulting a qualified financial advisor before engaging in any copy trading activity. Furthermore, it is important to highlight that copy trading may involve additional risks, such as the lack of direct control over trading decisions and the risk related to volatile or unpredictable market conditions. Therefore, investors must be fully aware of all associated risks and accept the possibility of losses that could exceed the initially invested capital.

Investor Responsibility

Rid Investment would like to clarify that, even in the context of copy trading, where investors replicate the trades of another trader, the responsibility for any losses remains entirely with the investor. Copying a trader's operations does not in any way exempt the investor from full responsibility for the consequences of their investment decisions, including financial losses that may result from such actions. Investors must be aware that even when relying on the operations of an experienced trader, replicating trades involves the same risks and can result in significant or total losses of the invested capital. In accordance with applicable regulations, including Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (MiFIR) and Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II), it is the investor's responsibility to fully understand the risks associated with copy trading, including potential market fluctuations and the possibility of incurring losses that exceed expectations. Rid Investment assumes no responsibility for investment decisions made by investors through the replication of other traders' operations. The choice to engage in copy trading and follow the trades of a particular trader is a personal decision of the investor, who must carefully evaluate the risks involved. We encourage investors to consider their risk tolerance and, if necessary, consult an independent financial advisor before engaging in copy trading activities. In summary, the responsibility for any losses resulting from copy trading lies entirely with the investor, who must make informed and conscious decisions regarding the replication of others' trades.

Past Performance Does Not Guarantee Future Results

It is essential to emphasize that a trader’s past results, even if successful, do not in any way guarantee similar performance in the future. Historical performance, visible through the trading data of the copied trader, should not be considered a reliable indicator of future results. While copy trading allows investors to replicate a trader’s operations, it is crucial to understand that market conditions, the trader’s strategies, and external factors can vary significantly over time. This means that profits achieved in the past do not ensure the repetition of the same returns or the prevention of future losses. Financial markets are inherently volatile and subject to numerous unpredictable factors, which means that even a trader with a long history of success may incur losses. Investors must be aware that replicating a trader’s operations does not guarantee profits or eliminate risks. Every trade involves a certain degree of uncertainty, and strategies that have proven effective in the past may be less successful under different or unexpected market conditions. Therefore, it is critical for investors to carefully assess the risks associated with copy trading and not base their decisions solely on the copied trader’s past results. In conclusion, there is no guarantee of success when replicating a trader’s operations, and past performance does not provide a sufficient basis for making predictions or expecting future returns.

Additional Risks

In addition to the general risks associated with financial investments, copy trading involves a series of additional risks that investors should be aware of. One of the main risks is the potential misinterpretation of the copied trader’s strategies. Although investors can replicate trades, they may not fully understand the context or reasoning behind these decisions. This can lead to misunderstandings about the trader’s objectives or risk management approach, increasing exposure to unforeseen losses. Furthermore, there is the risk of delays in the execution of trades. Since trades are replicated, there may be time differences between when the trader executes a trade and when it is copied to the investor’s account. These delays, even if minimal, can affect the price at which the trades are executed, potentially impacting overall performance negatively. Another risk stems from market fluctuations, which can affect the effectiveness of the copied trader’s strategies. Market conditions can change rapidly due to external factors, making strategies that previously delivered positive results less effective. Investors should be aware that even small market variations can significantly impact the replicated trades and, consequently, the financial results. In summary, copy trading carries additional risks, including the possibility of misinterpreting the copied trader’s strategies, delays in trade execution, and the impact of market fluctuations. Investors must be prepared to manage these risks and carefully assess their risk tolerance before engaging in copy trading activities.

Limited Information on Copied Traders

It is important for investors to understand that in the context of copy trading, they may not have access to all the necessary information about the traders they are copying. In many cases, copy trading platforms provide only a general overview of the traders' past performance and strategies but do not offer in-depth details about their specific operational strategies or overall approach to risk management. This lack of transparency can make it difficult for investors to fully understand how a trader manages positions during periods of market volatility or sudden changes in economic conditions. Additionally, the copied trader's risk tolerance may not always be clear, which can lead to a significant divergence between the investor’s expectations and the trader's actual behavior. Therefore, investors must be aware that copy trading involves the risk of making investment decisions based on limited or incomplete information. Without a clear understanding of the strategies and risk management methods employed by the copied trader, the investor may be exposed to higher risks than initially anticipated. In conclusion, investors should take into account the fact that they may not have access to all the detailed information about the copied traders, which requires careful assessment of potential risks before engaging in copy trading activities. It is essential for investors to understand that copy trading may not be legal or appropriate in all jurisdictions. Local regulations regarding investments and trading can vary significantly from one country to another, and what is permitted in one jurisdiction may be restricted or prohibited in another. As a result, investors are required to ensure that the practice of copy trading complies with the regulations in their country of residence or any other jurisdiction from which they access the platform. Rid Investment, as a strategy provider, cannot guarantee that copy trading services are compliant with the regulations in every jurisdiction. It is the sole responsibility of the investor to ensure they are operating in accordance with local laws, including Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (MiFIR) and Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II), where applicable. This also involves understanding any restrictions in terms of geographical limits or specific licenses required to access such services. Investors who fail to comply with local regulations may face legal penalties or operational limitations. Therefore, before engaging in copy trading activities, it is crucial for each investor to consult a legal or financial advisor to confirm that their activities are compliant with their country’s regulations. In summary, it is the sole responsibility of the investor to ensure they are operating in compliance with local regulations and to understand that copy trading may not be legal or appropriate in all jurisdictions.

No Financial Advice

Rid Investment would like to clarify that copy trading does not constitute personalized financial advice in any way. The decision to replicate another trader’s operations is entirely at the investor’s discretion and does not represent individualized advice based on the investor’s financial situation, goals, or personal needs. Copy trading is based on the automatic replication of other traders’ operations but does not take into account the specific circumstances of each investor, such as acceptable risk levels, investment objectives, or risk tolerance. Therefore, it is essential for each investor to carefully assess whether copy trading is suitable for their personal financial situation, given the associated risks and their individual investment needs. Rid Investment recommends that investors consult an independent financial advisor before engaging in copy trading to obtain an objective and professional evaluation of their suitability for such a practice. Every investment decision should be based on a careful analysis of the investor’s financial situation and the associated risks, without relying solely on past performance or the choices of other traders. In summary, copy trading does not constitute personalized financial advice, and each investor should carefully consider whether this practice is appropriate for their financial circumstances and investment goals.

Platform Fees and Costs

Investors should be aware that Vantage, as the platform executing the copy trading operations, may apply additional fees or costs that could impact investment results. These costs may include spreads, swaps, and withdrawal fees. The spread represents the difference between the buying and selling price of an asset, and it can vary based on market conditions. Swaps are fees charged for holding positions overnight, and withdrawal fees may apply when the investor decides to withdraw funds from their account. All these additional costs must be considered by the investor, as they can affect overall results, potentially reducing profits or increasing losses. Rid Investment has no control over these fees and costs, which are determined solely by Vantage. Therefore, it is the investor's responsibility to inform themselves about the fees applied by the platform and assess their impact on trading activities. In summary, the fees and costs applied by Vantage, such as spreads, swaps, and withdrawal fees, can significantly affect financial results, and investors are encouraged to carefully consider these factors before engaging in copy trading activities.

Role of Vantage

Vantage facilitates access to financial markets by providing investors with the platform and tools necessary to trade, but it does not actively manage investors' funds. Trading decisions, whether made directly by the investor or through copy trading, are solely the responsibility of the investor. Vantage does not actively intervene in the decision-making process and simply executes the trades requested based on the investor's instructions or replicated operations within the context of copy trading. In this way, Vantage provides the technical infrastructure for accessing financial markets, but operational and strategic choices remain entirely under the investor's control. Investors should be aware that every trading decision is their own, and Vantage does not actively manage capital or execute investment strategies on their behalf.

Independence of Fund Management

The investor retains full responsibility for all their trading operations and investment decisions. Vantage does not provide any form of financial or management advice and does not make investment decisions on behalf of users. Every trade executed through the platform is done solely based on the investor's instructions or within the context of copy trading strategies, with no active intervention from Vantage. This means that each investor must independently assess their own investment strategies and manage their funds in line with their risk tolerance and financial goals. Vantage simply provides a technical platform to facilitate access to markets, leaving the investor in full control of their operations and capital management decisions.

Fund Protection

Although investor funds are deposited with Vantage, it is important to note that they may not be protected by specific guarantees or state insurance. Investors are encouraged to carefully verify what protections apply to their funds according to the regulations in the jurisdiction where Vantage operates. Before proceeding with investments or deposits, it is essential to understand whether there are protection mechanisms, such as compensation schemes or guarantees, that could safeguard funds in the event of adverse circumstances. Vantage provides the infrastructure for depositing and managing funds, but investors should take the initiative to inform themselves about any limitations on the protection of their capital and take necessary precautions to mitigate associated risks.

Platform-Related Risks

Vantage may be subject to operational or technical risks that could affect the effectiveness of the service provided. These risks include, among others, service interruptions, system malfunctions, or connectivity issues that could hinder the timely execution of trading operations or limit access to deposited funds. Such issues may arise from unforeseen events such as technical failures, scheduled maintenance, or cyber-attacks. Investors should be aware that any interruptions or malfunctions of the platform may affect their ability to effectively manage their trading operations or access their funds. Rid Investment and Vantage cannot guarantee the continuous and uninterrupted operation of the platform, and investors are encouraged to consider these risks when evaluating their trading decisions.

Platform Liability Limitations

Vantage assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by investors as a result of investment decisions made independently or through copy trading. Investment choices made by users, whether directly or by replicating other traders' operations, are the sole responsibility of the investor. The platform does not intervene in these decisions and cannot be held liable for any negative outcomes resulting from such choices. It is essential for investors to understand the risks associated with trading and copy trading, fully assuming responsibility for the financial consequences of their investment decisions. Changes in Copied Trader’s Strategies It is important for investors to understand that the copied trader may change their strategy at any time and without notice. Such changes can significantly affect the outcomes of replicated trades and, consequently, the investor’s investment performance. These changes may include adjustments to risk levels, variations in portfolio management, or the adoption of new trading techniques that may not align with the investor’s expectations or risk profile. Therefore, investors should regularly monitor the copied trader’s actions and assess whether these changes are consistent with their financial goals.

Risk of Losses

Investing through Vantage carries the risk of incurring losses, including the possibility of losing the entire invested capital. There are no guarantees of protection from losses, and no strategy, including those used in copy trading, can guarantee success or prevent financial losses. Investors must be aware of these risks and make investment decisions cautiously, carefully assessing their risk tolerance.

Types of data collected

Rid Investment collects and processes personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation imposes strict measures to protect and safeguard personal data, ensuring that data processing is legal, fair, and transparent. All personal data collected, such as identification documents, proof of residence, transfer receipts for deposits made in Vantage, Vantage credentials, credentials for accessing the Rid Investment platform, IP addresses, browsing data, email addresses, phone numbers, names, surnames, and residential addresses, are handled with strict confidentiality and used solely for specific and legitimate purposes directly related to the services provided. Rid Investment adopts all necessary technical and organizational security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction, in accordance with Articles 5 and 32 of the GDPR. Data subjects have the right to access, rectify, erase, or restrict the processing of their data, as well as the right to data portability and the right to object to its processing, as provided for in Articles 15-22 of the GDPR. Any violation of these provisions will be considered a serious breach of European data protection regulations and can only be challenged in accordance with the rules established by the competent authorities, as outlined in Articles 77-84 of the GDPR. Rid Investment is fully compliant with the law and acts in full respect of users’ rights, ensuring that such data cannot be misused or used against the company.

Purpose of Data Processing

The personal data collected by Rid Investment are processed for several purposes, all strictly related to the provision of the services offered. Specifically, the data are used to open the investor’s account with Vantage, facilitating the registration process for copiers. Additionally, the data may be used to personalize the user experience, ensuring that the services provided meet the specific needs of users. The data may also be used for statistical analysis, aimed at continuously improving the services offered and optimizing the user experience. Furthermore, the data may be used for marketing purposes, sending users information about Rid Investment's products, services, and updates, always in compliance with applicable data protection regulations. These processes are carried out with the explicit consent of the data subject and in full compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).

Legal Basis for Data Processing

The processing of personal data by Rid Investment is based on different legal grounds, depending on the specific purposes of the processing. First, the collection and processing of data to open an account with Vantage and assist the copier in the registration process are carried out in compliance with the performance of a contract. This processing is necessary to provide the services requested by the investor and to ensure the proper execution of operations, as outlined in the contract with the investor. Additionally, for marketing activities, the processing of personal data is based on the explicit consent of the user, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). Users are informed and can voluntarily provide their consent to receive promotional communications, which may include information about products and services offered by Rid Investment. Therefore, the legal basis for the processing of personal data by Rid Investment is the performance of a contract, regarding the provision of services for opening an account with Vantage and assisting copiers, and the user’s consent, for marketing purposes.

Data Collection Methods

Rid Investment collects personal data through various methods, all designed to ensure security, transparency, and ease of use. Data is primarily collected through online registration forms, where users voluntarily provide their personal information necessary to open an account with Vantage and to access the services offered. This includes the collection of identification documents, proof of residence, and details related to deposit transfers made to Vantage. In addition to online registration, Rid Investment also collects data through the use of the website, monitoring user behavior via tracking tools such as cookies. Cookies, with the user's consent, allow the collection of information on browsing data, IP addresses, and user preferences, aimed at improving the user experience and optimizing the services offered. Moreover, credentials for accessing the Rid Investment management platform and Vantage are collected directly during the registration process or later through authentication forms. These credentials are necessary to ensure secure access to the services and features of the platform, as well as to support the copier throughout the investment process. Data collection is always carried out in compliance with data protection regulations, ensuring the confidentiality and security of personal information.

Data Sharing

Rid Investment may share the personal data collected with third parties, exclusively for purposes related to the provision of services and in full compliance with applicable data protection regulations. Specifically, data may be shared with third-party service providers who support Rid Investment in the technical management of the platform, cybersecurity, and transaction processing. These service providers are contractually bound to process the data in accordance with our instructions and to ensure appropriate levels of security. Additionally, personal data may be shared with business partners such as Vantage to facilitate the opening of investment positions and assist in the copy trading process. In this case as well, data sharing is strictly regulated and limited to the information necessary to ensure the proper execution of the services requested by the investor. Regarding marketing and advertising activities, Rid Investment may share users' data with advertising platforms or partners for direct marketing purposes, always with the user's explicit consent. This sharing is aimed at providing personalized communications about updates to our products and services. In all cases, Rid Investment ensures that any data sharing with third parties is conducted in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), ensuring that data is protected and used solely for the specified purposes.

Data Security

Rid Investment adopts advanced security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, loss, or disclosure. The data collected is managed through security systems provided by industry-leading platforms such as WordPress, Aruba, and Elementor, all recognized for their high standards in data protection. WordPress, the number one platform for websites, provides a robust infrastructure to ensure the security of processed information, while Aruba, as a hosting provider, offers additional protection through advanced security protocols. Elementor, used for content management and web page construction, implements security measures to protect data during browsing and interaction with the site. Additionally, once data is transferred to Vantage for opening trading positions and managing copy trading processes, Vantage guarantees full security in data handling, in compliance with regulations and the highest protection standards. Rid Investment continuously monitors and updates its systems to ensure that personal data is protected from potential threats, guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of the data throughout all stages of processing. These measures include encryption systems, firewalls, and advanced security protocols, which safeguard against unauthorized access and accidental data loss. In this way, investors can operate with confidence, knowing that their personal data is handled with the highest level of security and in full compliance with data protection regulations.

User Rights

Users of Rid Investment have several rights regarding the processing of their personal data, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). These rights are designed to ensure that users have full control over their data. Users have the right to access their personal data, which means they can request confirmation that their data is being processed, obtain a copy of the data we hold, and receive detailed information about its processing. They also have the right to rectify their personal data, allowing them to request corrections or updates if the data is incomplete or incorrect. In addition, users can request the deletion of their data when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, when they withdraw their consent to the processing, or when the data has been processed unlawfully. Another right is the ability to restrict the processing of their data, for instance, if there is a dispute regarding the accuracy of the data or the legitimacy of its processing. Users are also entitled to data portability, meaning they can receive their personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and transfer it to another data controller, where technically feasible. Lastly, users can object to the processing of their data at any time for legitimate reasons related to their particular situation, including objections to data processing for direct marketing purposes. These rights can be exercised by contacting Rid Investment through official channels. Each request will be handled in accordance with applicable regulations and within the timeframes set by the GDPR. Rid Investment ensures full protection of user rights and the implementation of appropriate procedures for managing such requests.

Data retention period

The personal data collected will be retained for the period strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, in compliance with applicable legal regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation EU 2016/679, "GDPR") and national data protection laws. In any case, the retention period will not exceed the limits imposed by the current regulations. To ensure compliance and up-to-date practices, every year consent will be requested again to continue storing and processing the user’s personal data. Should consent not be renewed, personal data will be deleted or anonymized in accordance with Article 17 of the GDPR and the company’s security procedures.

International Data Transfer

Rid Investment may transfer the personal data collected outside the European Union or to other jurisdictions where necessary for the provision of services. In such cases, the transfer is carried out in compliance with applicable data protection regulations, particularly Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), which sets strict criteria to ensure that personal data is adequately protected, even outside the EU. To ensure legal compliance, Rid Investment takes appropriate measures to safeguard the data transferred to jurisdictions outside the European Union. These measures may include the adoption of standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, which impose data protection obligations on the parties involved in the transfer. When data is transferred to countries that do not offer an adequate level of data protection, Rid Investment implements additional safeguards, such as data encryption and pseudonymization, to ensure the security and confidentiality of the processed information. In any case, Rid Investment is committed to ensuring that international transfers of personal data are carried out in full compliance with applicable regulations and with the aim of safeguarding users' rights and freedoms, ensuring that data is processed with the same level of protection provided within the European Union.

Privacy Policy Changes

Rid Investment reserves the right to modify or update this privacy policy at any time to ensure compliance with applicable regulations or to reflect any changes in our services and data processing practices. Any significant changes made to the policy will be promptly communicated to users through official channels, such as the website or email notifications. We encourage users to periodically review our privacy policy to stay informed of any updates. Continued use of our services after notification of changes will be considered as acceptance of the new terms of the privacy policy.

Types of Cookies Used

Rid Investment uses different types of cookies to enhance the user experience and optimize the services provided on the website. Cookies are small text files stored on the user's device during browsing and are used to collect information that helps personalize the online experience. Technical cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and to ensure secure access to restricted areas. These cookies do not require the user's consent and are used for purposes such as maintaining the session or saving preferences. Profiling cookies, on the other hand, are used to collect information about users' preferences and interests to offer personalized content and improve the browsing experience. These cookies may also be used for marketing purposes, such as displaying targeted advertisements. The use of these cookies requires the user's explicit consent. Third-party cookies are installed by external providers collaborating with Rid Investment, such as advertising platforms or analytics services. These cookies may collect anonymous information about site usage, content interactions, and user browsing preferences. Again, the user's consent is required for the activation of these cookies. Users always have the option to manage their cookie preferences directly from their browser and can modify the settings at any time, limiting or blocking the use of non-essential cookies.

Purpose of Cookies

The cookies used by Rid Investment serve to enhance user experience and ensure that our services are always efficient and optimized. We use cookies for various purposes, including performance analysis. These cookies allow us to monitor the platform’s performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that the site remains fast and responsive. Additionally, cookies are used for marketing purposes, enabling us to offer personalized content and promotions that reflect users’ preferences and interests. Through cookies, we can provide a tailored experience, suggesting information and services that may be useful to the investor. We also use cookies to enhance site functionality, such as maintaining login sessions and saving user preferences to make navigation as smooth and simple as possible. Finally, cookies are employed to personalize the user journey, allowing us to offer experiences tailored to each investor’s specific needs, making navigating the site an intuitive and enjoyable process.

Cookie Duration

The cookies used by Rid Investment may remain active on the user's device for different periods of time, depending on their function. There are two main categories: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary and are stored on the device only for the duration of the browsing session. These cookies are automatically deleted when the user closes the browser and serve to ensure the proper functioning of the site during the visit, such as maintaining the login session. Persistent cookies, on the other hand, remain active even after the browser is closed and are stored for a predetermined period or until the user manually deletes them. These cookies allow user preferences to be remembered and the browsing experience to be personalized during subsequent visits, improving access to services and maintaining saved settings. The duration of persistent cookies may vary, but Rid Investment ensures that all cookies used comply with applicable data protection regulations and that users can manage or delete them at any time through their browser settings.

Cookie Management

Users of Rid Investment have full control over the management of cookies used during browsing. Cookies can be managed, limited, or disabled at any time by accessing the settings of their browser. Each browser provides the option to modify cookie preferences, allowing users to block or delete those already installed. To manage cookies, users can access their browser’s settings and look for the privacy or security option. In this section, cookies can be disabled or set to trigger notifications when a cookie is saved on the device. It is also possible to delete any existing cookies. Some browsers also offer advanced tools for specifically controlling third-party or profiling cookies. If a user chooses to disable cookies, certain site features may be limited or not function properly. However, Rid Investment ensures that essential cookies for the site's operation will continue to function in compliance with applicable regulations. Alternatively, there are third-party tools and plugins that can help manage cookies more centrally, offering greater control over the information saved during browsing.

Third-Party Cookies

Rid Investment uses third-party cookies for advertising and analytical purposes. These cookies, provided by external partners such as advertising platforms or analytics services, allow us to collect anonymous information about site usage, user preferences, and content interactions. This data helps us improve our offering and personalize the browsing experience, delivering relevant content and optimizing site performance. Users have the right to be informed about the use of third-party cookies and to access the respective privacy policies. Rid Investment is committed to providing links to the privacy policies of the third-party partners we use. Users can manage or disable these cookies through their browser settings or via the specific control options offered by these services. The use of third-party cookies complies with data protection regulations, ensuring that any data processing is conducted with full respect for user privacy.

Consent to the Use of Cookies

By browsing the Rid Investment website, the user gives their consent to the use of cookies. This consent is implicitly granted by continuing to browse, accessing pages, or interacting with the site’s content. Cookies are used to enhance the user experience, personalize content, and optimize our services. The user always has the option to withdraw their consent at any time. To do so, they can access their browser settings and disable cookies or delete those already stored. Additionally, users can use specific tools that allow them to manage their preferences more precisely and with greater control. By withdrawing consent for the use of cookies, some site functionalities may be limited or unavailable, but the browsing experience will remain secure and compliant with current regulations. Impact of Disabling Cookies Disabling cookies may negatively affect the functionality of the Rid Investment website, limiting access to certain essential features. Without cookies, some functionalities, such as maintaining login sessions, personalizing settings, and accessing specific content, may not work properly. While it is possible to browse the site without the use of cookies, the user experience may be less smooth and optimized. Users should carefully consider these limitations before deciding to disable cookies.

Cookie Policy Updates

Rid Investment reserves the right to update its cookie policy at any time to reflect any changes in regulations or services offered. We encourage users to periodically review this policy to stay informed of any modifications. Continued use of the website after the policy update will be considered as acceptance of the new terms.


Rid Investment is committed to ensuring that the protection of personal data is at the core of all our activities. All data collected is handled with the utmost care and in full compliance with applicable regulations, particularly Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). Security, transparency, and user control are the fundamental principles upon which our data management is based. We encourage users to regularly review our privacy and cookie policy to stay informed of any changes and to exercise their rights regarding the management of their personal data at any time. The trust of our clients is our top priority, and we constantly work to protect and safeguard all the information shared with us.


© Copyright 2024. Rid Investment L.L.C-FZ. All rights reserved. The Rid Investment name and logo are registered trademarks of Rid Investment L.L.C-FZ.

Fund Custody

Rid Investment LLC FZ does not hold, manage, or otherwise have control over client funds. Instead, all funds deposited by clients for the purposes of engaging with Rid Investment LLC FZ are securely held by Vantage Markets (“Vantage”).

To ensure the highest level of security and integrity, Vantage maintains segregated client trust accounts with top-tier banks. This segregation acts as an additional layer of protection, ensuring that client funds are kept separate from the operational funds of Vantage, thereby safeguarding clients’ assets.

Vantage is a fully regulated entity, operating under stringent regulatory frameworks across multiple jurisdictions. Vantage holds licenses from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom, the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) in South Africa, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia. These regulatory bodies are renowned for their rigorous standards and oversight, which further enhances the protection and security of client funds.

By leveraging the services of a regulated and reputable entity like Vantage, Rid Investment LLC FZ ensures that clients can have peace of mind knowing their funds are managed with the utmost care and in full compliance with international regulatory standards. This structured approach underscores our commitment to maintaining the highest levels of transparency, security, and trust in all our operations.


Investing in financial markets involves significant risk and is not suitable for every investor. More than 70% of investors and traders experience losses when participating in financial markets. It is crucial to understand that past performance is not indicative of future results, and there is no guarantee that any investment strategy will achieve its objectives. Financial markets can be highly volatile, and the value of investments can fluctuate rapidly and unpredictably, leading to substantial risk of loss. Utilizing leverage in trading can amplify both gains and losses, potentially resulting in significant losses that may exceed the initial investment. No trading or investment strategy can guarantee profits, and all investment decisions are made at the investor's own risk. Successful trading and investing require knowledge and experience; therefore, investors should ensure they fully understand the risks involved and possess the necessary expertise to make informed decisions. It is strongly recommended that investors seek independent financial, legal, and tax advice before making any investment decisions to ensure they are making well-informed choices and understand the implications of their investments.


Rid Investment wishes to reiterate that its trademark is protected by copyright, and all rights are exclusively reserved by Rid Investment. Any unauthorized reproduction of the content on this website, without explicit authorization from Rid Investment, will be subject to sanctions.

Rid Investment L.L.C-FZ is legally headquartered in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Dubai, at Nad al Sheba, The Meydan Hotel, M Floor, Business Center 1, and is registered with the Meydan Free Zone business registry in Meydan City Corporation, as established by Emiri Decree No. 5 of 2009.

The company operates in compliance with the business regulations of the Meydan Free Zone, as established by Decree No. 1 of 2009 and subsequently reformulated in 2013, as well as other regulatory instruments issued by the Meydan Free Zone. Rid Investment is committed to adhering to all applicable regulations and standards, ensuring the highest levels of transparency and legal compliance in its operations.

Any unauthorized use of our trademark or content will be strictly prosecuted in accordance with applicable laws to protect our rights and intellectual property.