Rid Investment

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1 - Information regarding the cookie policy of website 1. This section contains information regarding the cookie policy of the Financial Panorama website, owned by Rid Investment L.L.C-FZ, concerning the user's use of cookies. 2. This document is an integral part of the Privacy Policy of the website https://ridinvestment.it/gdpr/ and the information contained therein provided to the data subjects pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation, EU Regulation no. 679/2016, the Personal Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 1993, and subsequent amendments, and the "Cookie and other tracking tools guidelines - 10 June 2021", Official Gazette no. 163 of 9 July 2021. 3. The information is provided exclusively for the cookies present within the Financial Panorama website and not for cookies present on external sites accessible via links within the website itself. 4. The cookie policy may be periodically updated, so it is recommended to consult this document each time you access the site to be properly informed about how and why cookies are used. 2 - Data Controller 1. The data controller is the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. It also deals with security profiles. 2. With regard to this website, the data controller is: Rid Investment L.L.C-FZ, and for any clarification or exercise of user rights, you can contact them at the following email address: amministrazione@ridinvestment.it. 3 - Cookies 1. The use of cookies complies with the relevant European legislation (Directive 2009/136/EC amending Directive 2002/58/EC "E-Privacy") and national legislation (Garante's Provision for the protection of personal data of 8 May 2014 and subsequent clarifications, as well as the Cookie and other tracking tools guidelines of 10 June 2021 no.231). 4 - Types of Cookies 1. The Financial Panorama website uses cookies to make the user's browsing experience easier and more intuitive: cookies are small text strings used to store certain information that may concern the user, their preferences, or the device used to access the Internet (computer, tablet, or mobile phone) and are mainly used to adapt the site's operation to the user's expectations, offering a more personalized browsing experience and remembering choices made previously. 2. A cookie consists of a small set of data transferred to the user's browser by a web server and can only be read by the server that made the transfer. It is not executable code and does not transmit viruses. 3. Cookies do not record any personal information, and any identifiable data will not be stored. If desired, it is possible to prevent the saving of some or all cookies. However, in this case, the use of the site and the services offered may be compromised. To proceed without changing the cookie-related options, simply continue browsing. 4. This website may use, also in combination with each other, the following types of cookies classified according to the indications of the Privacy Authority and Opinions issued at European level by the Working Group pursuant to art. 29 of the GDPR: Session cookies are cookies that are not stored persistently on the user's computer and are deleted when the browser is closed; they are strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers necessary to allow secure and efficient browsing of the site, avoiding recourse to other potentially harmful computer techniques for the confidentiality of user navigation. Persistent cookies are cookies that remain stored on the computer's hard drive until their expiry or deletion by users/visitors. Through persistent cookies, visitors accessing the site (or any other users using the same computer) are automatically recognized on each visit. Visitors can set their computer's browser to accept/refuse all cookies or display a notice whenever a cookie is proposed, to evaluate whether to accept it or not. However, the user can change the default configuration and disable cookies (i.e., block them permanently) by setting the highest level of protection. Persistent cookies are cookies that remain stored on the computer's hard drive until their expiry or deletion by users/visitors. Through persistent cookies, visitors accessing the site (or any other users using the same computer) are automatically recognized on each visit. Visitors can set their computer's browser to accept/refuse all cookies or display a notice whenever a cookie is proposed, to evaluate whether to accept it or not. However, the user can change the default configuration and disable cookies (i.e., block them permanently) by setting the highest level of protection. Technical cookies are cookies used to authenticate, to use multimedia content such as flash player, or to allow the choice of the browsing language. In general, it is not necessary to acquire the prior and informed consent of the user. This category also includes cookies used to statistically analyze accesses/visits to the site only if used exclusively for statistical purposes and through the collection of information in aggregate form. Profiling and marketing cookies. Their use on users' terminals is prohibited if they have not been adequately informed and have not given valid consent according to the opt-in technique. These types of cookies can be grouped according to the functions they perform in: a) Analytics. These are cookies used to collect and analyze statistical information about accesses/visits to the website. In some cases, associated with other information such as credentials entered to access reserved areas (email address and password), they can be used to profile the user (personal habits, sites visited, downloaded content, types of interactions performed, etc.). b) Widgets, all those graphical components of a user interface of a program, which aim to facilitate the user in interacting with the program itself. Examples include widgets such as Facebook and Twitter cookies. c) Advertising, these include cookies used to advertise within a website. Google, Tradedoubler fall into this category. 5 - Technical Cookies 1. Technical cookies are those used solely for the purpose of "carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide that service" (cf. art. 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code). 2. Technical cookies do not require the prior consent of the user. They are used to enable the operation of the site and/or to provide the user with a service or function that the user has expressly requested. Cookies therefore guarantee normal navigation and use of the Sites, also allowing the preferences expressed by the User to be saved and optimized, thus optimizing their navigation. The Sites use technical cookies, both first and third-party. 3. The technical cookies actually used by the site, or which could be used by the site, are divided into: "user input" cookies: session cookies used to track data provided by the user by filling in online forms (e.g., forms during the purchase process for entering shipping or billing addresses) or, as in the case of the shopping cart, to remember the items that the user has selected and inserted into the cart by clicking on the appropriate button; authentication cookies: cookies used to identify the user after logging in and allow them to authenticate and access the content and/or features for which such login is required (e.g., purchase, access to the Personal Area); other functionality cookies: cookies used to activate specific features of the Sites and to store the choices made by the User regarding the display of the Site pages; "Consent" cookies: cookies that document the user's consent to the installation of profiling cookies through the completion of one of the actions described in the banner/short information, recognize the User on the second access to the site so as not to require again consent to the installation of cookies and have a duration of 12 months. 6 - Third-Party Cookies 1. With regard to the origin, a distinction is made between cookies sent to the browser directly from the site being visited and those from third parties sent to the computer from other sites and not from the site being visited. 2. Permanent cookies are often third-party cookies. Most third-party cookies are tracking cookies used to identify online behavior, understand interests, and therefore personalize advertising proposals for users. 7 - Analytical Cookies 1. Analytical cookies are used to collect statistical information, in aggregated or not, on the number of users accessing a service. 2. The analytical cookies used by the Company are third-party cookies, as they are not directly transmitted by us but by third parties and are therefore not installed directly by the Company but by third parties. 3. The platforms that release this type of cookie are: Google Analytics: Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en Opt-out: https://www.google.com/settings/ads/onweb/optout?hl=en 4. Third-party analytical cookies are installed without the prior consent of the user because they are less invasive since they are anonymized, and third parties cannot access disaggregated analytics data at the IP address level. 5. The user can block the installation of analytical cookies at any time without compromising the ability to visit the original site or use the Financial Panorama service in any way. To find out how, carefully read the cookie information provided by third parties by following the links in the table above. 8 - Profiling Cookies 1. Profiling cookies are those that create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while browsing the Internet. 2. Profiling cookies are used to create a user profile, based on the preferences and tastes expressed by the user during Internet browsing, and to display advertising messages consistent with their profile. In this way, the advertising messages that the user will see will be those of greatest interest. 3. When these types of cookies are used, the user must give explicit consent, which will appear in the banner as soon as the user enters the site. 3. Article 22 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Article 122 of the Data Protection Code will apply, as well as Provision no. 231 of 10 June 2021 of the Privacy Guarantor. 9 - How to Disable Cookies 1. During the first visit to our Site, you can accept all cookies by clicking on the "OK" button or the "X" button (close) in the banner or on any element of the web page outside the banner itself. 2. In any other case and on every subsequent visit to the Site, by clicking on the "Cookie Policy" link at the bottom of our Site's homepage, you can access this information and refuse consent to the installation of cookies. 3. It is possible to disable cookies based on the browser used. Since most browsers are programmed to accept cookies automatically, you can choose not to receive them, especially in cases where the third party involved has not correctly provided the option to opt-out, by accessing the browser settings and disabling their use, according to the procedures described at the following addresses: Microsoft Windows Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/delete-and-manage-cookies-168dab11-0753-043d-7c16-ede5947fc64d#ie=ie-11 Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/cookies-information-websites-store-on-your-computer Apple Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-us/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac Opera: https://help.opera.com/en/latest/web-preferences/#cookies 4. If your browser is not listed, you can refer to the cookie information provided by the browser itself. If you use a mobile phone, consult the respective manual for further information. 5. Following the deactivation of cookies through the browser settings, it is necessary to ensure, always through the same, the deletion of those already present before the deactivation itself. 6. Disabling third-party cookies is also possible through the methods made available directly by the third-party company responsible for such processing, as indicated in the links in the "third-party cookies" section. 7. For information on cookies stored on your terminal and how to disable them individually, please refer to www.youronlinechoices.com. 8. Once on the site, by accessing the "Your choices" area, you can: view the list of third-party companies, our partners, that install cookies on our site (Companies); check the presence and status of the installed cookie (Status) and manage consent selectively (On/Off). By expanding the dedicated item (Info) for each company, you can access more information regarding the company and reach the specific privacy and cookie policy via the link. 10 - Social Network Interaction 1. This site also incorporates plugins and/or buttons for social networks, in order to allow easy sharing of content on your favorite social networks. These plugins are programmed not to set any cookies when accessing the page, to safeguard user privacy. Cookies may be set, if provided by social networks, only when the user makes effective and voluntary use of the plugin. Please note that if the user browses while logged into the social network, they have already consented to the use of cookies transmitted through this site at the time of registration with the social network. 2. This type of service allows you to make interactions with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of Financial Panorama. 3. The interactions and information acquired by Financial Panorama are in any case subject to the User's privacy settings for each social network. In case a service for interaction with social networks is installed, it is possible that, even if Users do not use the service, the same collects traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed. Linkedin social button and widgets (LinkedIn Corporation). The Linkedin social button and widgets are services for interacting with the Linkedin social network, provided by Linkedin Corporation. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Location of processing: United States - Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Facebook Like button and social widgets (Facebook, Inc.). The Facebook Like button and social widgets are services for interacting with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Location of processing: United States - Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation Twitter Tweet button and social widgets (Twitter, Inc.). The Twitter Tweet button and social widgets are services for interacting with the Twitter social network, provided by Twitter, Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Location of processing: United States - Privacy Policy: https://twitter.com/en/privacy Google+ +1 button and social widgets (Google Inc.). The Google+ +1 button and social widgets are services for interacting with the Google+ social network, provided by Google Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Location of processing: United States - Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en Pin It button and Pinterest social widgets (Pinterest Inc.). The Pin It button and Pinterest social widgets are services for interacting with the Pinterest social network, provided by Pinterest Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Location of processing: United States - Privacy Policy: https://policy.pinterest.com/en/privacy-policy Instagram social button and widgets (Instagram, Inc.). The Instagram social button and widgets are services for interacting with the Instagram social network, provided by Instagram, Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data Location of processing: United States - Privacy Policy: https://help.instagram.com/196883487377501 2. At any time, the user can request to exercise the aforementioned rights to Rid Investment L.L.C-FZ by contacting the following email address: amministrazione@ridinvestment.it. 3. The user has the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian supervisory authority: the "Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali" if they believe that their rights have been violated by Financial Panorama and/or a third party or if they do not consider the response to their requests satisfactory."

GENERAL TERMS OF USE Article 1 - Subject These general terms of use represent the access and use of the Financial Panorama website, accessible via the URL: https://www.financialpanorama.it, (hereinafter the "owner"), are activities regulated by these general terms of use. The present website is owned by: Rid Investment L.L.C-FZ Company Registered Office: United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Dubai, Nad al Sheba, The Meydan Hotel, M Floor, Business Center 1 VAT number: Registered with the REA, regulated by the regulation of companies in the Meydan free zone, as established by decree no.1 of 2009 and reformulated in 2013, and possessing other regulatory instruments issued by the Meydan free zone. Access to the website and its use presuppose the reading, knowledge, and acceptance of these general terms of use. Article 2 - Amendments to the Terms of Use The owner may modify or simply update, in whole or in part, these general terms of use. Changes and updates to the general terms of use will be notified to users on the Home page as soon as they are adopted and will be binding as soon as they are published on the website in this same section. Access to and use of the website presuppose the user's acceptance of these terms of use. Article 3 - Intellectual Property The content present on the website, such as, by way of example, works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos, and any other material, in any format, published on the website itself, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, characters, and the website's design, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions, and software that are part of the website, are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property rights of the owner or any third parties contracted by the owner. Reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form, of the website and its content is prohibited without the express written consent of the owner. The user is authorized only to view the website and its content by using the related services available therein. The user is also authorized to perform all other temporary reproductions, without its own economic significance, which are considered transient or accessory, an integral and essential part of the same viewing and enjoyment of the Website and its contents and all other navigation operations on the Website that are carried out only for legitimate use thereof. The user is not authorized in any way to carry out any reproduction, on any medium, in whole or in part, of the website and its contents. Any reproduction shall be authorized, from time to time, by Financial Panorama or, if necessary, by the authors of the individual works contained on the website. Such reproduction operations must in any case be carried out for lawful purposes and in compliance with copyright and other intellectual property rights and the authors of the individual works contained on the website. Article 4 - Use of the Site and User Responsibility Access to and use of the site, viewing of web pages, including communication with the owner, constitute activities carried out by the user exclusively for personal purposes unrelated to any commercial, entrepreneurial, and professional activity. The user is personally responsible for the use of the website and its contents. The owner cannot be held responsible for any use not compliant with the current laws, the website, and its contents by each of its users, without prejudice to liability for willful misconduct and gross negligence. In particular, the user will be solely and exclusively responsible for the communication of incorrect, false, or third-party information without their consent, as well as considering the incorrect use thereof. Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the service is at the user's choice and risk; therefore, any responsibility for damages to computer systems or data loss resulting from downloading operations falls on the user and cannot be attributed to the owner. The owner disclaims any liability for any damages resulting from the inaccessibility of the services present on the website or any damages caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, content deletions, network problems, providers, or telephone and/or telematic connections, unauthorized access, data alterations, or the non-functioning and/or faulty operation of the user's electronic equipment. The user is responsible for the custody and correct use of their personal information, including credentials for accessing reserved services, as well as for any harmful consequences or prejudice that may arise against Financial Panorama or third parties due to incorrect use, loss, or theft of such information. The Owner has taken every reasonable precaution to avoid the publication on the website of content and images that may be considered offensive to decency, human rights, and the dignity of individuals, in all possible forms and expressions. In any case, if such content is deemed offensive or unethical, the interested user is kindly requested to communicate this condition to the owner, who nevertheless warns that any access to content considered offensive or objectionable is made by the user at their sole discretion and their exclusive and personal responsibility. The Owner has also taken every useful precaution to ensure that all information on the website is correct, complete, and up-to-date; however, it assumes no responsibility towards users regarding the accuracy and completeness of the content published on the website, except as otherwise provided by law. If a user finds errors or missing updates of the information on the website, they are kindly requested to inform the owner using the email address: amministrazione@ridinvestment.it.
Article 5 - Personal Account The user will have the possibility to register on the website to take advantage of its products and/or services. The user will have access to an area of the website exclusively dedicated to them, called "Newsletter," through which they can access and verify the status of the services they have requested. By registering on the website, the user must provide an email address or a username (hereinafter the "ID") and a strictly personal access password. Both the ID and the password cannot be used from two or more stations simultaneously, and the user cannot transfer them to third parties except under their full and exclusive responsibility. It is reminded that the user shall be held responsible towards the owner and any third party for any action, transaction, and/or event occurred and/or carried out through the use of the ID and/or password. The user is obliged to preserve the confidentiality and secrecy of their ID and password and is required to promptly inform the website of any unauthorized use or loss thereof, by email or registered mail so that the website can suspend the provision of its services with reference to the account. In the event that an unauthorized access to the user's account has occurred and/or the user has lost their ID and/or password more than three times, the website reserves the right to remove the user's account without the user having any claim against the owner. The owner cannot be held responsible in any way, directly or indirectly, in any form or under any liability regime, for injuries or damages of any kind resulting from or related to the user's failure to comply with the provisions of this article. The owner shall be free to inhibit the access of a user to their own client area and/or to suspend the operation of their ID and/or password if they believe that there has been a substantial violation of these general terms of use and in particular of what is provided thereafter, or if the user makes an unlawful or improper use of the website's services. The user will also be required not to perform, allow, or permit the following behaviors (not exhaustive and continuously updated): uploading or creating within the client area any data or content that violates any law, regulation, or third-party right (including, among others, trade secrets or personal data of third parties); using the company's services for purposes other than mere access to them in the manner provided by the company; performing actions of any kind and/or nature aimed at bypassing, disabling, or interfering in any way with the security applications of the website's services or other applications that prevent, limit, or restrict the use or copying of any material present therein; using the website's services for any illegal purpose or in violation of any applicable regulations; interfering with or damaging the website's services and systems or their enjoyment by any user, by any means, including by uploading files or otherwise disseminating viruses, adware, spyware, worms, or other harmful electronic tools; carrying out actions aimed at circumventing tools for excluding robots or other measures that the website may use to prevent unauthorized access to its services. Article 6 - Forum This website allows users to exchange opinions and experiences through the use of the forum, available at the link: https://www.financialpanorama.it/newsletter. Anyone who decides to register for the forum, at the time of registration, accepts the registration clauses, indicated in the appropriate section. Registration for the forum is completely free and subject to the acceptance of the following general conditions and regulations. Before registering, it is mandatory to read and accept the forum rules. The user who registers for the forum agrees that all information, data, software, music, sounds, photographs, images, videos, messages, or any other material, whether publicly accessible or transmitted privately, are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the individuals from whom such content originates. This means that the user, and not the forum administrators and website owners, is solely and exclusively responsible for any content uploaded, published, emailed, or otherwise transmitted or disseminated through the forum. The forum administrator cannot in any way control the transmitted or disseminated contents and, consequently, does not guarantee the truthfulness, correctness, or quality of such contents. The user acknowledges that despite the various rules imposed by the forum administrator, through the service offered, they may encounter content that may be offensive, indecent, or otherwise reprehensible. Article 7 - Disclaimer As indicated above, the owner carries out with the utmost diligence the care and maintenance of the website and its contents; however, they assume no responsibility for the correctness, completeness, and timeliness of the data and information provided on the website or on sites linked to it. Therefore, all liability for errors or omissions resulting from the use of data and information on the website must be excluded. The owner disclaims all liability, including the presence of errors, error correction, responsibility for the server hosting the website; they are also not responsible for the use of the information contained therein, its accuracy, and reliability. In no event, including negligence, shall the owner be liable for any direct or indirect damage that may result from the use, or inability to use, the materials present on the website. Under no circumstances and for any reason shall the forum administrator be held liable for the included contents, as well as, merely by way of example, for any errors and/or omissions in the contents, or for any damages occurred as a result of the use of contents found, sent via email, or otherwise transmitted or disseminated through the service. Article 8 - Service Provision Limitations The owner shall not be liable for damages resulting from the failure to provide the service due to incorrect or non-functioning of electronic communication means for reasons beyond the sphere of their foreseeable control. By way of example, but not exhaustive, server malfunction and other electronic devices even not part of the Internet network, malfunction of installed software, computer viruses, the possible presence of viruses or other harmful and damaging computer components, as well as actions by hackers or other users having access to the network. Therefore, the user undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the owner from any liability and/or claim in this regard. Article 9 - Links to Other Websites The website may contain hypertext links to other websites that have no connection with it. The owner does not control or monitor such websites and therefore does not guarantee their contents or data management in any way. Therefore, the user must carefully read the terms of use of the third-party sites visited and their privacy policies, as these terms of use and the privacy policy refer exclusively to this website. Article 10 - Links on Other Web Pages This website can also be reached through third-party sites where there will be a link or banner to access the website. The activation of links on third-party sites to this website is only possible with the prior consent and authorization of the owner, which may be requested by contacting the owner at the aforementioned address or by writing to the email address: amministrazione@ridinvestment.it. The activation of unauthorized links legitimizes the owner to act for the immediate deactivation of the illegitimate links and for the possible recognition of the related commercial practice or unfair competition, or action to the detriment of the good name and reputation of the owner, its services, and the companies of the same group. In any case, deep hyperlinks (such as deep frames or deep links) to the Site or the unauthorized use of meta-tags are prohibited. Article 11 - Trademarks All trademarks and distinctive signs present on the website, including those relating to the individual activities carried out by the owner, are exclusively owned by the owner itself or by the companies referring to it. The owner has the exclusive right to use said trademarks. Therefore, any unauthorized, unauthorized, and/or non-compliant use of the law is strictly prohibited and entails legal consequences. It is in no way permitted to use said trademarks and any other distinctive sign present on the website to unduly, even indirectly, benefit from the distinctive nature or reputation of the owner's trademarks or in a way that prejudices them and their holders. The domain https://www.financialpanorama.it as well as the various declinations and subdomains are owned by the owner. No use, even indirect, is permitted, except by specific written authorization from the owner or holders. Article 12 - Data Processing By using the website, the user authorizes the processing of their personal data. This information also has value for the purposes of Article 13 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. The data controller is: Nikita Macri Tkachuk. The data processor, appointed by the data controller, is: Nikita Macri Tkachuk. The data will be processed at: United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Dubai, Nad al Sheba, The Meydan Hotel, M Floor, Business Center 1, and is registered with the Companies Register at Meydan Free Zone, in Meydan City Corporation. Data processing takes place exclusively electronically, through computer tools and media designed to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. The stored information is protected from unauthorized access. Processing is carried out on the data provided by users concerning purchase orders, payments (which may contain name, address, contact details), IP address, and all other communicated data. The provision of data and consent to processing for commercial communications purposes is optional. However, a refusal to provide such data or to give consent to their processing may result in the user's inability to receive such additional services. The user, under EU Regulation 679/2016, has the right to have their data updated, corrected, or integrated, deleted, transformed into anonymous form, or blocked if processed unlawfully, including data that does not need to be retained for the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed, attesting that the operations have been notified, including with regard to their content, to those to whom the data has been communicated or disseminated, except where this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate use of means compared to the protected right. The user has the right to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of personal data concerning them for legitimate reasons, even if relevant to the purpose of collection and to the processing of personal data concerning them for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication. The user may also revoke their consent to the processing of their data previously given to the website at any time. All rights provided for by EU Regulation 2016/679 and by law 196/2003 can be exercised by the user, by writing to the following email: amministrazione@ridinvestment.it Upon first visit, the user will be prompted to choose their preferred language and will be offered the possibility to save the preferred language. To this end, the user authorizes the use of identification codes, i.e., so-called cookies, i.e., small files sent by their internet server and recordable on the user's computer's hard disk. In the case of profiling cookies, the user must give explicit consent. The hard disk collects information about the user's language preference and stores the pages of the visited website. Cookies are used to prevent the user from receiving the same information repeatedly or in the wrong language, and to adapt the content and presentation of the website to the user's browser type. Article 14 - Contacts Any request for information can be sent via email to the following address: amministrazione@ridinvestment.it, via telephone to the following telephone number: +39 3883668543, and via mail to the following address: United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Dubai, Nad al Sheba, The Meydan Hotel, M Floor, Business Center 1. These terms and conditions were drawn up on 01/04/2023.

PRIVACY POLICY 1 - Information regarding the Privacy of site 1. This section contains information regarding the management procedures of Financial Panorama owned by Rid Investment L.L.C-FZ, concerning the handling of user data on the website itself. 2. This policy is also valid for the purposes of Article 13 of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, for individuals interacting with Financial Panorama. 3. This information is provided solely for Financial Panorama and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links contained therein. 4. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the methods, timing, and nature of the information that data controllers must provide to users when connecting to the web pages of Financial Panorama, regardless of the purpose of the connection, in accordance with Italian and European legislation. 5. This policy may undergo changes due to the introduction of new rules; therefore, users are invited to periodically check this page. 6. If the user is under the age of fourteen, in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and Article 2 Quinquies of Legislative Decree 196/2003, as amended by Legislative Decree 181/18, they must obtain consent from their parents or legal guardians. 2 - Data Controller. The data controller is the natural or legal person, public authority, service, or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. It also deals with security profiles. Regarding this website, the data controller is Rid Investment L.L.C-FZ, and for any clarification or exercise of user rights, they can be contacted at the following email address:amministrazione@ridinvestment.it3 - Place of data processing 1. The processing of data generated by the use of Financial Panorama takes place in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Dubai, Nad al Sheba, The Meydan Hotel, M Floor, Business Center 1 and is registered at the business register at Meydan Free Zone, in Meydan City Corporation. 2. If necessary, the data connected to the newsletter service may be processed by the data controller or persons appointed by it for this purpose at the relevant office. + HO financial Will the data collected by the site be transferred to countries outside the European Union? CI no Enter the URL at which this privacy policy is available and which can be easily found by the user: https://www.financialpanorama.it/gdpr#privacyr Notifications will be sent to users in the event of changes to the following privacy policy policy due to new regulations? CI no When was this privacy policy document drawn up? [# 04/01/2023 ( Previous step End Edit the template Save (and continue below) 4 - Legal basis of processing 1. The processing of personal data by Financial Panorama is based on consent - pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of EU Regulation 2016/679 - expressed by the user by browsing this website and consulting it, thus accepting this information. 2. Consent is optional and can be revoked at any time by request sent via email to amministrazione @ridinvestment.it specifying that, in this case, in the absence of consent, certain services cannot be provided and navigation on the website could be compromised. 5 - Cookies 1. This section describes how this Site and third parties use cookies and similar technologies. The use of cookies takes place in compliance with the relevant European legislation (Directive 2009/136/EC amended Directive 2002/58/EC "E Privacy) and national (Guarantor Provision for the protection of personal data of 8 May 2014 and subsequent clarifications as well as Guidelines for cookies and other tracking tools of 10 June 2021 n.231). 2. For complete information regarding cookies, visit our cookie policy:2. For complete information regarding cookies, visit our cookie policy: https://www.financialpanorama.it/gdpr6 - Type of data processing 1. The processing of personal data is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller for the purpose of providing information about the activity of Financial Panorama pursuant to art. 6, par. 1, letter. f) of EU Regulation 2016/679, in compliance with the provisions of the same Regulation 2. This site uses Log Files in which information collected automatically during user visits is stored. The information collected could be the following: - internet protocol (IP) address; - type of browser and parameters of the device used to connect to the site - name of the internet service provider (ISP); • date and time of visit; - web page of origin of the visitor (referral) and exit; - possibly the number of clicks. 2. The aforementioned information is processed in an automated form and collected in an exclusively aggregated form in order to verify the correct functioning of the site, and for security reasons. This information will be processed based on the legitimate interests of the owner. 3. For security purposes (anti-spam filters, firewalls, virus detection), the automatically recorded data may possibly also include personal data such as the IP address, which could be used, in accordance with the laws in force on the subject, in order to block attempts at damage to the site itself or to cause harm to other users, or in any case activities that are harmful or constitute a crime. Such data is never used to identify or profile the user, but only for the purposes of protecting the site and its users, such information will be processed based on the legitimate interests of the owner. 7 - Type of purchase data 1. Financial Panorama collects user data directly from the site or from third parties. The data is necessary for browsing the site. 2. The data collected by Financial Panorama are: Name, Surname, Personal Data, E-mail, Mobile Number, Social Link8 - Data provided by the user 1. If the site allows the insertion of comments, or in case of specific services requested by the user, including the possibility of sending the Curriculum Vita for a possible working relationship, the site automatically detects and records some identifying data of the user, including the email address. Such data is intended to be voluntarily provided by the user at the time of requesting the provision of the service. 2. By inserting a comment or other information the user expressly accepts the privacy policy. The data received will be used exclusively for the provision of the requested service and only for the time necessary to provide the service. 3. The information that users of the site decide to make public through the services and tools made available to them is provided by the user knowingly and voluntarily, exempting this site from any liability regarding any violations of the law. It is up to the user to verify that they have permission to enter personal data of third parties or content protected by national and international regulations. 4. The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message. 5. Specific summary information will be progressively reported or displayed on the pages of the site prepared for particular services on request.9 - Purpose of data processing 1. The data collected by the site during its operation are used for the purposes indicated above and for the following purposes : required for marketing purposes ( Previous step Edit the template Save (and continue below) End 10 - Data Storage 1.In accordance with the provisions of the art. 5.1(c) of the Regulation, the information systems and computer programs used by Financial Panorama are configured in such a way as to minimize the use of personal and identifying data; such data will be processed only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes indicated in this Policy. 2. The data will be retained for the period of time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes specifically pursued and, in any case, the criterion used to determine the retention period is based on compliance with the terms permitted by the applicable laws and the principles of minimization of processing and limitation of storage. 3. Specifically, the data will be kept for the following periods: up to a maximum of 5 years 4. The data used for security purposes (blocking attempts to damage the site) are kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purpose previously indicated 11 - Payments 1. Financial Panorama uses payment services to make payments by credit card, bank transfer or other instruments. Financial Panorama does not collect or acquire data used for payment. 2. The payment data is collected and acquired directly by the payment service provider, such as the credit card company, Paypal, Stripe or similar. These services can send messages to the user, for example email or SMS payment notifications. 3. The data acquired and the use of the same by third-party services are regulated by the respective Privacy Policies to which please refer. PayPal, Service provider: PayPal, Inc. Purpose of the service: making online payments Personal data collected : types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service Place of processing: as specified in the privacy policy of the service Privacy Policy (https://www.paypal.com/it/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full) Stripe , Service provider: Stripe, Inc. Purpose of the service: making online payments Personal data collected: types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service. Place of processing: as specified in the privacy policy of the Privacy Policy service (https://stripe.com/it/privacy) 12 - Newsletter 1.With the user's prior consent, and through voluntary registration via email, the user is included in a contact list to which update emails, including promotional and marketing emails, deriving from this site will be sent periodically. 2. An email is sent to the user (to the email address indicated) with a link inside which they can click to confirm that the user is really the owner of the email address. 3. Personal data that may be collected in the newsletter: Name, Surname, Personal Data, E-mail, Mobile number, Social Link.13 - Contact forms 1. The user can fill out the contact/information request forms, by entering your data and consenting to their use to respond to requests of the nature indicated in the form header. 2. Personal data that could be collected: Name, Surname, Personal Data, E-mail, Mobile number, Social Link (Previous step Edit the template Save (and continue below) End 14 - Social network interaction 1. This site incorporates also plugins and/or buttons for social networks, in order to allow easy sharing of content on your favorite social networks. These plugins are programmed so as not to set any cookies when accessing the page, to safeguard user privacy. Cookies are possibly set, if so provided by the social networks, only when the user makes effective and voluntary use of the plugin. Please note that if the user browses having logged in to the social network then he has already consented to the use of the cookies conveyed through this site when registering on the social network 2. This type of service allows interactions with social networks, or with other external platforms, directly from the Financial Panorama pages. 3. The interactions and information acquired by Financial Panorama are in any case subject to the User's privacy settings relating to each social network. If an interaction service with social networks is installed, it is possible that, even if Users do not use the service, it collects traffic data relating to the pages on which it is installed. Linkedin social button and widgets (Linkedin Corporation). The Linkedin button and social widgets are interaction services with the Linkedin social network, provided by Linkedln Corporation. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States - Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Facebook Like button and social widgets (Facebook, Inc.) The Facebook "Like" button and social widgets are interaction services with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States - Privacy Policy:https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation. Twitter Tweet button and social widgets (Twitter, Inc.) The Twitter Tweet button and social widgets are interaction services with the Twitter social network, provided by Twitter, Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States - Privacy Policy: https://twitter.com/en/privacy. Google+ +1 button and social widgets (Google Inc.) The +1 button and Google+ social widgets are interaction services with the social networks Google+, provided by Google Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States - Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?h|=it Pin It button and Pinterest social widgets (Pinterest Inc.) Pin It button and Pinterest social widgets are services of interaction with the Pinterest social network, provided by Pinterest Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: USA Privacy Policy: https://policy.pinterest.com/it/privacy-policy Instagram button and social widgets (Instagram, Inc.) The Instagram button and social widgets are services for interaction with the social network Instagram provided by Instagram, Inc. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data Place of processing: USA Privacy Policy: https://help.instagram.com/19688348737750115 - User rights 1. The user is guaranteed compliance with the your rights in the field of personal data protection. In line with what is taken up and stated by the GDPR, in relation to the processing of their personal data, the user has the right to ask the Data Controller: • Access: the user can request confirmation whether or not data processing is taking place that concerns him, as well as further clarifications regarding the information referred to in this information; • Rectification: you can ask to rectify or integrate the data you have provided, if inaccurate or incomplete; • Deletion: you can request that your data be deleted if they are no longer necessary for our purposes, in case of revocation of consent or opposition to processing, in case of unlawful processing, or there is a legal obligation for cancellation or they refer to subjects under the age of fourteen; • The limitation: you can request that your data be processed only for conservation purposes, with the exclusion of other processing, for the period necessary to rectify your data, in case of illicit processing for which you oppose the cancellation, if you have to exercise your rights in court and the data stored by the Data Controller may be useful to you and, finally, in the event of opposition to the processing and a check is underway on the prevalence of the Data Controller's legitimate reasons compared to yours. • Opposition: you can object at any time to the processing of your data, unless there are legitimate reasons on the part of the Data Controller to proceed with the processing which prevail over yours, for example for the exercise or defense in court. • Portability: you can ask to receive your data, or have it transmitted to another owner indicated by you, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device. • Revocation: you can revoke your consent to the use of cookies (Cookie Policy) at any time, since in this case it constitutes the basis of the processing. However, the revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent carried out before the revocation itself. 2. At any time the user can ask Financial Panorama to exercise the aforementioned rights by contacting the email address:amministrazione@ridinvestment.it. 3. Furthermore, the user has the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Supervisory Authority: "Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data" in the event that he believes that his rights have been violated by Financial Panorama or in the event that does not consider Financial Panorama's response to your requests satisfactory.16 - Transfer to non-EU countries 1. This site may share some of the data collected with services located outside the European Union area. In particular with Google, Facebook and Microsoft (LinkedIn) through social plugins and the Google Analytics service. The transfer is authorized and strictly regulated by Article 45, paragraph 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, for which no further consent is required. 2. Data will never be transferred to third countries that do not comply with the conditions set out in article 45 et seq. of the Regulation (EU).18. Changes to this document 1. This document, which constitutes the privacy policy of this site, is published at: https://www.financialpanorama.it/gdpr#privacypolicy 2. It may be subject to changes or updates. If there are significant changes and updates, these will be reported with specific notifications to users. 3. Previous versions of the document will still be available on this page 4. The document was updated on 04/01/2023 to comply with the relevant regulatory provisions, and in particular in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

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